Thursday, February 11, 2010

Suggies with Other Animals

One of the things Jay and I get asked a lot when we talk to people about our suggies is what our other pets think of them. There are some of the more shady breeders that will tell you all kinds of untrue statements about sugar gliders getting along fantastically and becoming lifelong friends with dogs, cats and other animals you may have. It's a sad and well known fact though that gliders have been killed by their owner's dogs, cats and other pets, like ferrets.

 However, our other pets, under very close supervision, have met our first suggie, Bruce. Buddy is our basset hound and he's very curious about the gliders. He and Bruce will often sniff each other through the cage.

Our cat (well Katie's cat) Molly isn't usually this curious about Bruce. In his picture though, he and Bruce are checking each other out pretty good.  
I still don't advocate every pet making these types of intros with suggies. Know your pet and ALWAYS be alert.


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